
Shanghai Bitconn Electronic Co.,Ltd.


W5500 vs W5200 Chip 比较表

发表时间:2015/03/13 00:00:00  浏览次数:10044  
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W5500 vs W5200 Chip Comparison

Device W5500 W5200
制程 0.13um 0.18um
封装 48 LQFP (7*7 mm^2) 48 QFN (7*7 mm^2)
IO 电压 / 核心电压 3.3V / 1.2V 3.3V / 1.8V
sockets数量 8 ea 8 ea
SPI Frame ADD1|ADD2|Control|Data0|Data1… ADD1|ADD0|OP+LEN1|LEN0|Data…
8bit |8bit |8bit |8bit | 8bit 8bit |8bit |1bit +7bit |8bit | 8bit
Control 1 byte (Block selection, Read/Write selection, SPI mode selection) OP Code 1 bit (Read/Write Selection)
No Data Length field Data Length 15bit
Memory Access TX Memory and RX Memory can be accessible as general data memory. TX Memory can be accessible as general data memory.
MCU总线接口 SPI SPI / Indirect bus mode
Regulator Related Circuit LDO output pin needs the capacitor. No need to supply the chip power (1.2V). LDO output voltage (1.8V) must be applied to the chip power (1.8V) at the outer side of the chip package.
PHY Power Down Setting PHY's power down mode can be set by configuring PHY Register. PHY's power down mode can be set by external pin.
WOL Function WOL over UDP Support WOL over Ethernet Support
PHY Mode Setting PHY mode can be set by Firmware
Status LED 4 LEDs (SPD / DUP / ACT / Link) 3 LEDs (SPD / DUP / Link)
PHY Auto MDIX Function Not Support Support
Operating Current @100Mbps Full Link Typical 132mA Typical 160mA



- 全功能10/100以太网MAC&PHY



-32KB RAM缓存

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